Who can play in The Glen Rock Bridge Center ACBL Virtual Club games?
The ACBL Virtual Club games have been created through BBO to serve the ‘regular’ patrons of local clubs. Glen Rock Bridge has partnered with Southeast Florida & Friends so players from any of those clubs can play in any game we offer. If you’ve been away for a while (or didn’t win points at the Club in the last year), you can request us to place you on the roster, by emailing info@glenrockbridge.com the intent is to re-create the normal Club experience on-line, not to recruit outside players.
Must the players be ACBL members?
Yes. Each player in the virtual game must be an ACBL member; if you have not entered your ACBL number with BBO, you must do so before registering for the virtual Club game. (To do this, log on, click on “ACBL World”, and locate the blue tab that indicates “Update Your ACBL Number”.)
There are several reasons why players need to be ACBL members. BBO needs to identify you in some other way than through your screen name. You cannot receive master points from ACBL without that link. Additionally, the ACBL needs to affirm that you are a patron of the The Glen Rock Bridge Center or if you come from a club in our cooperative we can share your entry fee with your home club. And finally, stratification in these games is based upon your current master point holding.
If you encounter a problem joining a game or get a message saying you are blocked it could be that your ACBL # was not entered into your BBO profile.
How do I enter or up-date my ACBL membership number? Log on to BBO then Click on the ACBL World button. Click on Update your ACBL number - the link is in the list of horizontal links immediately below the list of pending ACBL tournaments, on the left side of your screen. Enter your username and password, and click on Submit.
Still blocked? You can send a message through BBO to VACB267120, or call Julie Jawor at 561-445-4792 or the Glen Rock Bridge Center at 201-368-8133 or email info@glenrockbridge.com.
Do I get assigned a partner, or can I bring my regular partner?
You should bring your regular partner (or a new partner) to the game, assuming they are also ACBL members and have registered with BBO for on-line play. We are working on ways to develop an online partnership, but for now, you are on your own. If your regular partner isn’t registered with BBO, please recruit them to join you.